Become a member

    Organization type:

    Activity related to esport / gaming:

    Company name:

    Last and first name:

    Address of headquarters:

    Additional address information:


    Postal code:


    Number of members / employees:

    Phone number:

    E-mail adress:

    The personal data collected via this form is necessary to process your request. In accordance with applicable legislation, you have the right to access, modify and remove data concerning you..

    The statutes of the FLES provide for 2 types of members:
    1) Associate members: Class reserved for legal persons. Have voting rights at general assemblies, participate in executive committee meetings, are involved in FLES activities and pay an annual membership fee currently set at € 15 for the year 2021.

    2) Partner members: Class reserved for natural and legal persons wishing to support the FLES without being actively involved in the organization. These members do not pay annual membership fees and have no voting rights at general meetings.

    Become member!

    If you want to become a member of the FLES and support esport in Luxembourg!

    I want to become a member!