Fédération Luxembourgeoise D'Esport

The FLES is a non-profit association that aims to bring together all the players of gaming and esports in Luxembourg. The goal is to offer them a platform for communication and cooperation.

Our mission
Our missions
  • Bring together the various players in gaming and esports
  • Provide them with a platform for communication, exchange and collaboration.
  • Grow and expand esport
  • Break down prejudices about gaming
  • Provide any interested public with information on electronic sports
  • Be a representative interlocutor with the public authorities
Our partners
Our members
Rift Entertainment
Luxembourg Formula Racing
Cavinx Esports
Rift Sloths
Nocturnal E-Sports
Contact us

    Become member!

    If you want to become a member of the FLES and support esport in Luxembourg!

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